Jungle Race Adventure: Debut Version

Jungle Race Adventure: Debut Version

GOLD members pay $5.20
Race into adventure in this series of animated videos to entertain your students! It's a tournament of races that can span over the course of multiple services. Maybe Red Team will win week one but then Blue Team catches up during week two. It all leads up to a final race in an ancient temple! Who will win? Red Team or Blue Team?


Race into adventure in this series of animated videos to entertain your students! It's a tournament of races that can span over the course of multiple services. Maybe Red Team will win week one but then Blue Team catches up during week two. It all leads up to a final race in an ancient temple! Who will get the diamond first?

Your students will be screaming and cheering for their favorite teams to win as they watch Monkeys swinging through the forest, Sloths climbing up a large tree (verrrrrrryyyyyyy slooooooooowwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyy), Smiling Sharks speeding through the waves, Safari Trucks escaping a perilous volcano and Brave Archeologists dodging dangerous traps in an ancient temple! Who will win? Red Team or Blue Team?

You get six different race videos:
• Sloth Race
• Monkey Race
• Shark Race
• Volcano Race
• Temple Race (Two versions)

This Resource Includes:

  • Six race videos (mp4 files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
This resource can be used over the course of multiple days or weeks if needed. For example, the red team wins week one and then the blue team wins week two, etc. These videos can be used for certain special events such as charity drives or small games. For example, let's say the red team raises more money than the blue team by the end of the fundraising period, so they win the tournament. Or maybe have the students guess who's going to win that week and receive a prize for guessing right.
Brian McVay

Brian McVay

Part-time animator, full-time Christ follower.