Job: The Righteous Sufferer

Job: The Righteous Sufferer

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The Book of Job is an important piece of God's story; it's one many think they know about but have barely scratched the surface. It's easy to think it's about Job, but it's actually a story about God; His love, His wisdom, and His sovereignty. Students will learn about God, His love for them, and how they can handle suffering in their own lives.


The Book of Job is an important piece of God's story; it's one many think they know about but have barely scratched the surface. It's easy to think it's about Job, but it's actually a story about God; His love, His wisdom, and His sovereignty. Students will learn about God, His love for them, and how they can handle suffering in their own lives.

Session 1: Job's Faith
In the opening chapter of Job, students learn that God is wise, God is in control, and Job's faith is an example.

Session 2: It's Not Fair!
In Job 28, students learn that creation is ordered by God's wisdom, not our definition of justice. They will also learn the danger of confidence in our own opinions as well as what it means to revere and fear God.

Session 3: God Gives Wisdom
In the final chapters of Job, students continue to see that God is in control. With Job, they will learn that suffering is an opportunity to grow and gain wisdom.

This series includes full manuscripts, PowerPoint presentations, handouts, small group discussion guides, bumper videos, and a five minute series themed countdown.

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This Resource Includes:

  • Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
  • PowerPoint presentation file for each week
  • Student handouts (both filled in and with blanks) (Word files)
  • Small group guides (Word file)
  • 5-minute countdown video (mp4 file)
  • Bumper videos for each week (mp4 files)
  • Graphics package with title, content, and social images (jpeg files)

Note from Author

About this Product
I have taught this series as a student series and as a series for adults. People are fascinated by the story of Job and what it means for our lives today!
Matthew McNutt

Matthew McNutt

Matthew and Heather have been in full time youth ministry for over twenty years. He is also a speaker, author, and ministry coach. They have four sons ranging from 15 to 22 years old, which means the majority of their time is spent buying food and replacing broken furniture. You can find all of Matthew's DYM resources here: