Jesus is Better, Bro

Jesus is Better, Bro

GOLD members pay $4.39
Single message, small group guide, and programming ideas


Life is about so much more than how much stuff we can accumulate. Too often we get focused on the things of this earth and we forget about the big picture. We don’t want to think about eternity. Jesus is saying stuff is cool, memories are great, but I’m way better.

This one-off resource has everything you need to run a complete night (or day) of programming!

This Resource Includes:
• Full teaching manuscript
• Small group curriculum
• A game idea
• Stage design ideas
• A worship set
• Mood music for pre- and post-service
• YouTube links to funny sermon intro videos
• A unicorn (maybe not. Josh says we are backordered on unicorns.)


Andrew Larsen


Timothy Miller