Jesus In His Own Words

Jesus In His Own Words

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A 4-week series about the red words


Jesus, In His Own Words is a 4-week series that's both evangelistic for those who aren't followers of Jesus, and TEACHING evangelism to those who are. Each talk looks at a scene from Jesus's life and asks "how does Jesus interact with the world around Him" and "if Jesus was here right now, what would He say to you?"

Week 1:
This talk is about Jesus hanging out with tax collectors and "sinners," the Pharisees response, and how Jesus didn't see the world as "holy places" and "unholy places" or "good people" and "bad people". Instead, Jesus saw the whole world as something he'd come to save.
Week 2:
This talks asks "is Christianity accepting faith or an excluding faith"? By looking at the woman accused of adultery, we see that Jesus shows radical love when people are being attacked by religion, but in private also will say "now go and sin no more."
Week 3:
"What is wrong with humans and how can we be fixed?" Every religion (even atheism!) has an answer to this but they all say the same thing: by trying hard to be good. This talk uses the interaction between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3 to show how Jesus offers something much, much better.
Week 4:
Arguing always drives people apart, but it seems like when we try to share our faith it ultimately LEADS to arguments. Using the story of Jesus and the woman at the well, this talk shows how intellectual answers only take people so far, and that ultimately choosing Jesus will involve confronting pain.

This Resource Includes:
• Four teaching guides (non-manuscript)
• Graphics (title and content)


Josh Pease