IT'S YOUR MOVE: Growing Closer to God

IT'S YOUR MOVE: Growing Closer to God

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1-off message helping students surrender


This 1-off message by Matt McGill explores the good news that God invites everyone to be close to him. God isn't unKIND, unFUN, or unAVAILABLE: he calls us his friends. It's our privilege and responsibility is to accept his invitation and draw near to God.

The essence of this drawing near is surrender: letting go in order to hold on to God. God calls us to love him with our heart, soul, and strength--all that we are. Every shred of who we are ought to belong to God:
All of our thoughts, actions, and words...
All of our insecurities and strengths, failures and success...
All of our relationships, influence, and possessions...

"I surrender all" makes for a great verse in a song, but when we're honest, it's frightening. Worse yet: the call to surrender everything is paralyzing.

This message explores a foundational spiritual growth principle: the only way to give God everything is to give him the next thing. Also includes a limited-edition song track of Matt singing, "I surrender all"*
*not really.

Matt McGill