"I Ain't Fallin' For It!" Is a one-off fall kickoff message package. You'll lead students through the life of Samson in Judges 13-16 through a gospel-centered lens and challenge them to not do what is "right in their own eyes" this year by setting up idols, but instead, encourage them to fix their eyes on Jesus.
There is plenty of biblical context here to simply explain what the book of Judges is all about, but enough application to get to the heart of both the first-time guest and the pastor's kid.
To preview a sample of the message, click here!
This Resource Includes:
- Author's intro video (mp4 file)
- Complete message manuscript (Word file)
- Small group guide (Word file)
- 6-day follow-up student devotional (Word file)
- PowerPoint presentation file
- Title and blank graphics (jpeg files)
- Example prank video (mp4 file)