How Do I Get Eternal Life?

How Do I Get Eternal Life?

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A one-off message that follows the story of the Rich Young Ruler, answering the question, “How do I get eternal life?”


At some point in students’ journeys of faith, each one comes to Jesus asking this same question, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” (Matthew 19:16). Whether you are talking to students that remember a time where they asked this question or they are still wondering the answer to the question now, they all are the rich young ruler in this passage. They are the ones wondering what it takes to get eternal life and enter into God’s Kingdom.

The more we become less, the more Jesus becomes greater. As we follow Jesus, our treasure is transferred from Earth to heaven, and it is in this truth that we receive the promise of eternal life.

Use this message to guide students in the process of discipleship, either by leading students in a first-time commitment to follow Jesus or by encouraging students to continue to consider the cost of discipleship.

This Resource Includes:
- Complete Manuscript (2,600+ words) (Word)
- Title slide, blank slide, Facebook, and Instagram graphics (jpeg files)

Richard Fleck

Richard Fleck

Richard (Bobby) has been in ministry for 20+ years as a youth pastor, family pastor, and associate pastor. Richard, Tiffini, and their triplet eleven-year-old daughters live in Ringgold, GA. Richard is an Ordained Pastor. He holds a M.Div. and a B.A.