Doug's note: Youth Workers LOVED Home Hunt 1... so here you go. You're welcome.
This Sidekick 'Wheel of Destiny' game was designed to help youth workers who need to go online for their regular youth services.
This game is an in-home scavenger hunt that requires students to race around their homes finding the item that shows up on the wheel and bringing it back to show the person running the game! The game is pre-loaded with 15 household items. Be creative and add more of your own.
It's a great mixer especially if you are using Zoom or another type of multi-person platform and can see when kids bring the item all at the same time.
Use a points reward system or even give out e-gift cards for food delivery or iTunes cards to rent/download music or movies.
This Resource Includes:
• Sidekick "Wheel of Destiny" game file
• Title and background slides (jpeg files)
Wheel of Destiny Intro from Download Youth Ministry on Vimeo.