Him & Her

Him & Her

GOLD members pay $10.07
A five-week series that covers the beautiful design God has for men, women, love, dating, and sex.


Editor’s choice: One of the best series I've edited on this topic. Nate's a great writer and teaches on these topics with theological sensitivity and an understanding of what students go through. Highly recommended.

Do you really want the only relationships advice students get to come from the world?

This resource gives you what you'll need to be able to give students a biblical framework for how to think about the design God has for their relationships. It provides five weeks of content that cover (1) biblical manhood, (2) biblical womanhood, (3) dating, (4) marriage, and (5) sex.

This is a GREAT series to help equip your students to experience some huge wins in an area where most of them only experience losses.

This Resource Includes:
• 5 Weeks of Teaching Manuscripts
• Title and Content Slide (jpg)


Nathan Davis