High/Low - Volume 2

High/Low - Volume 2

GOLD members pay $3.90

In this video-based game, contestants will have to guess the percentage of people who do or don't do certain things. Other contestants will guess if you are High/Low. What's your guess?


Do you wear socks when you sleep? Yes/No? Do you know how many other people wear socks in their sleep? Students who can correctly guess the percentage of people who do, will win this game! Contestants will guess the percentage of people who do or don't do certain things then other competitors will try to guess if they are high/low. What's your guess in volume two of this exciting game?

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (11 rounds) videos (mp4 files)
  • Individual (11 rounds) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title video (mp4 file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Get your crowd involved! Make one side of the room high and the other side low, have students go to the side of the room they think is the correct answer.
Common Ground

Common Ground