Help for the Hustle

Help for the Hustle

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This 3-week series looks at the spiritual disciplines that Jesus used during His ministry to stay at peace amidst the "hustle" of life.


Doug's note: Sabrina constantly writes GREAT messages--thoughtful and easy to adapt as your own. As a bonus, she's provided a "take-home" devotional for students... and I'm always looking for things I can send home with our teenagers. Trust me... try her stuff--she has a lot of great content on our website!

In a culture of packed schedules, honors classes, travel teams, anxiety, and screen addiction, students need help for the hustle! This 3-week series examines Jesus’ life and ministry and how he remained at peace amidst a busy schedule and a high-stakes mission. How did He do it? Spiritual disciplines. 

Introduce or reintroduce your students to the “unforced rhythms” of Jesus: a life marked by silence and solitude, meditating on Scripture, and fasting. We prioritize these practices not for religious badges, but for inward spiritual transformation. Jesus Himself is the answer to the hustle.

Week 1: Silence & Solitude 
Week 2: Meditating on Scripture
Week 3: Fasting 

This Resource Includes:

  • Series overview document (Word file) - to preview this, click here
  • Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
  • Small group guide for each week (Word file)
  • 3-week student devotional document (Word file)
  • PowerPoint presentation 
  • Full-screen title & blank content slide graphics (jpg)
  • Social media title & blank content graphics (jpg)



Note from Author

About this Product
Although it's not written specifically this way, this series would be a great way to start the New Year!
Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina has been doing youth ministry in various sized churches, roles, and denominations for over 15 years. Right now her first job is momma to 3 little kids but she still loves discipling teenagers and creating resources to help other youth workers win! You can find all her DYM resources here: