Help! My Son Is Looking at Porn

Help! My Son Is Looking at Porn

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A helpful resource for parents who are looking for answers about teenage sons and pornography.


What do you do when you get the call?

The call where a parent is on the other end requesting a meeting with you because they found something they never thought they'd find in their son's search history.

Those parents are shocked, sad, confused, and mad at the same time.

The first time I had to talk with parents about this issue it took me 4 hours to prepare for that meeting. I didn't know what to say. Now I do!

This 3,000-word resource offers a practical pastoral perspective on a sensitive issue.

How to use this resource: 1) Use it to prepare yourself for the conversation. If you haven't had to have that conversation, then get ready. It will soon be approaching.

2) Send it to parents who are dealing with this issue in their families. When parents discover that their son is looking at pornography, they want reassurance from you. And they want it quickly. This resource can give them some much-needed perspective between the call and the meeting you'll eventually have with them.

With this document you can make as many copies as you want. You’ll see how the author formatted the content to make it look real nice and clean (both PDF version (unedited) and the Word document are attached.

3. Take this content and adapt it in a way that you could teach it to a group of parents inside your context.

I wish I'd had something like this to help me prepare or to send to those parents before we met. That's why I wrote it for you.


Trevor Hamaker