He's a 10: Volume Three

He's a 10: Volume Three

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In this screen game, your students attempt to correctly guess the person in the Bible by the clues displayed using this popular social media phrase!


He's a 10 but loves another follow-up to this popular icebreaker game. This upfront/contestant screen game challenges students to correctly guess the person in the Bible by the clues given using this popular social media phrase.

Each question slide will display a clue using the popular social media """"He's a 10 but..."""" phrase. Students will then guess the person before the answer slide is revealed. Best out of 10 wins (with one additional tiebreaker question).

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
This icebreaker works best when played from the stage having individual students or teams compete against each other.
Dan Gifford

Dan Gifford

Hi! My name is Dan Gifford and I have been in student ministry for over 15 years. I love that DYM has created a space for me to share resources that I have created over the years with youth workers just like me. I hope you find my content helpful as you serve students and their families.