Gospel Timeline 5-week Small Group Series

Gospel Timeline 5-week Small Group Series

GOLD members pay $8.45
A 5-week small group series that gives students a comprehensive understanding of the events in the gospel.


The objective of the Gospel Timeline series is to give students a comprehensive understanding of the events in the gospel. Week by week, as you guide your students through the gospel story, they will begin to understand this short summary:

● In the beginning, God CREATED all things and saw that it was good.
● Humanity SINNED, bringing about tragic spiritual, physical, and relational consequences
● The Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to RESCUE the broken.
● We live, HERE AND NOW, by loving Him and loving others.
● Our HOPE is in Jesus’ promise to return to make all things new.

Editor’s note: This is one of the better, more coherent stories I’ve edited. It provides a solid guide for small group leaders, who can either follow the script exactly, or use it as a template.

See sample of week 1 to appreciate the depth of this resource and the overall direction of the 5 weeks.

A word document containing all five weeks


Jonathan Holmes