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Shine Bright For Jesus! This series is a part of the Lift Curriculum for Children's and Preschool ministries.


In partnership with Lift Curriculum, DYM now provides Lift Curriculum for Children's & Preschool Ministries (PreK-5th Grade)

Lift is a Christ-Centered Children’s Ministry curriculum. This means that Jesus is central to every lesson. Whether we begin with an Old Testament story, a New Testament passage, or a lesson based on a topic, all paths lead to Jesus. Each story is told, and each lesson delivered, with the purpose of promoting and glorifying Christ in the minds and hearts of students.

John 12:32 - And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.

Lift The Name Of Jesus

Lift Curriculum exists to lift Jesus up before children with every lesson, in the belief that if we do so, he will draw all people to himself. This means that the self-sacrificial love, goodness, grace, and beauty of Christ are put on display, as we explore how He is the main character and event of the Bible.

Jesus Every Week

We want to help you lift up the name of Jesus every week. If a child only comes to church once, we want to make sure they hear about Jesus.

Every series includes everything you need to program your kids' ministry program. This includes curriculum, games, worship, object lesson videos and Bible story videos. But we don't leave you to fend for yourself. We also equip you with a scope & sequence to follow and easy to navigate lesson folders so you know exactly what lesson to teach and what videos to use every single week.


Series 3 of 12 in Lift Curriculum Year 1

Each month will now include a preschool lesson that matches the theme of the Elementary lesson and can be used throughout the month.

Preschool Main Idea: God Is With Me When I'm Afraid

Preschool Bible Story: Luke 8:22-25, Jesus calms a storm.



“In the same way, let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (NIrV)

Week 1: Light Of The World

Big Idea: Kids will know that Jesus is the Light of the World.
Scripture: John 1:1-15, John 8:12-19, Jesus is the Light of the World
Worship Songs:  No Longer Slaves, You Make Me Brave, Whom Shall I Fear
Game Video: Punkin' Gunk
Object Lesson: John The Baptist - Spotlight On Jesus

Week 2: Shine Your Light

Big Idea: Kids will learn what it means to shine their light.
Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16, Salt and Light
Worship Songs:  No Longer Slaves, King of My Heart, House Of The Lord
Game Video: Rotten Pumpkins
Object Lesson: Light Of The World - Reflecting God's Love

Week 3: Living Water

Big Idea: Kids will learn that Jesus offers eternal life to anyone who puts their faith in Him.
Scripture: John 4:1-14, The Living Water
Worship Songs:  King of My Heart, House Of The Lord, This Little Light
Game Video: Mistaken Monsters 1
Object Lesson: Jesus And The Samaritan Woman - Loving Others

Week 4: Burning Bright

Big Idea: Kids will learn that the Holy Spirit helps us shine our light.
Scripture: Acts 2:1-12, Pentecost
Worship Songs:  You Make Me Brave, Whom Shall I Fear, This Little Light
Game Video: Mistaken Monsters 2
Object Lesson: Pentecost - Shine Your Light

To sample a preview, click here.

This resource includes:

  • 4 weeks of kids curriculum for Elementary and Preschool
  • 4 games (.mp4)
  • 4 Lesson Bible story videos (.mp4)
  • 7 worship videos for children (.mp4)
  • Elementary school lessons include:
    • 4 Lessons (.pdf)
    • 4 weeks of coloring pages for each lesson
    • Memory verse graphics for each week
    • Parent resouces
    • Volunteer resources
  • Preschool lessons include:
    • Craft lessons
    • 4 weeks of Bible lessons
  • Plug and play slides (.ppt)
  • Series graphics (.jpg)
Lift Curriculum

Lift Curriculum