Girl Talk

Girl Talk

GOLD members pay $9.42
Four weeks of talks just for girls—dating with integrity, modesty, power of Scripture and prayer.


We started a highly successful monthly girls event called Girl Talk, and I've included everything you need to begin it yourself! (Well, except for the cookies.) This event (hosted in our home) had many first-time guests each month and built a sense of community. I'm a youth pastor's wife and wanted to make it easier on other wives and female leaders to do a similar monthly outreach event.

This Resource Include:
• Girl Talk 1: Dating with integrity
• Girl Talk 2: What Not to Wear - Honoring Christ With Our Closets
• Girl Talk 3: Girls With Swords - Unleash the Power of God's Word
• Girl Talk 4: Dear Dad - Talking to God. Girls ministry message about how to effectively pray
• Lots of different graphics & print-outs
• A stylish, printable prayer journal for girls, using scripture and the ACTS method! Reproducible


Clarissa Sidhom