Girl Scout Cookie Quiz

Girl Scout Cookie Quiz

Price reduced from $5.50 to $2.75
GOLD members pay $3.57
A screen-based trivia game all about America's most addictive cookies.


This is your basic multiple choice trivia screen game all about Girl Scout cookies. This one is sure to be a hit for your group during cookie sale season. Can be played as an upfront face-off game between two students or teams, or between multiple smaller groups. If you reward your winning students with boxes of Girl Scout cookies, you’ll have them eating out of the palm of your hands!

This Resource Includes:
• Complete PowerPoint game file
• Individual (10 Q&A + instructions +tiebreaker) game slides (jpeg files)
• Title slide (jpeg file)


Ronald Long

Youth Pastor in Texas and Co-Host of The Middle School Ministry Podcast in the DYM Network
Kyle Creel

Kyle Creel

Next Generation Pastor, Content Creator, Podcast Co-Host, and All Around Nerd