Getting Together

Getting Together

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Check out our Quarter Life Faith Sparkers™. Little-prep. Easy-to-use. Faith conversation-starters for the career-college years, 18-25.


Hebrews 10:24-25 implores followers of Christ to regularly meet together for the purpose of worship. In the United States, where rugged individualism and independence is highly valued, we don’t often readily see the need for a faith community. But the Holy Spirit, speaking through the writer of Hebrews, knows the importance of getting together regularly with our faith community. When the book of Hebrews was written, the church was entering a period of severe persecution. And the writer knew that the Christians to whom this letter would be read needed encouragement to hang together. And followers of Christ today need this same encouragement.

Getting Together, a Quarter Life Faith Sparker™ for Young Adults, is a little-prep, easy-to-use faith discussion-starter for the quarter life years between high school and adulthood, ages 18-25.

Uses • Career-College groups
• Young adult small groups
• Young adult Sunday school
• Young adult retreats

Print a Getting Together Faith Sparker™ copy for each of your group members. Using the Facilitator’s Guide to lead you, begin with the icebreaker question and move through each of the six faith discussion-starters. Your faith dialogue will take between 45 minutes to an hour.

Often called emerging adulthood, quarter life is a new stage of life that needs your attention now. Use this Faith Sparker™ resource once and you’ll be hooked on this dialogue-energizing opportunity.

This Resource Includes:
• Facilitator’s Guide (pdf file) for those leading the discussion
• Getting Together Faith Sparker™ (pdf file) for participants
• Editable Faith Sparker™ PowerPoint slide for the ice breaker question and promotion

Author Profile Picture

David Lynn