Futuristic Corridor Countdown

Futuristic Corridor Countdown

GOLD members pay $3.90

Build up the energy with this futuristic five-minute countdown! An optional custom soundtrack is also included.


This is a high-energy five-minute countdown that travels down a beautiful, illuminated corridor. It also includes a soundtrack that was composed and produced specifically for this video! If the song doesn't quite match the energy you're going for, no worries! There's also a muted version that can play over whatever audio you have going. LET'S GOOO!

This Resource Includes:

  • 5-minute countdown video with custom soundtrack (mp4 file)
  • Muted 5-minute countdown video (mp4 file)


Note from Author

About this Product
If you kill the lights at 4:53, it will sync up with the impact sound in the soundtrack and really add more energy!
Author Profile Picture

John Michaud