For Such A School Year As This

For Such A School Year As This

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A Gospel-centered, practical fall kickoff message package encouraging students to live the way Vashti and Esther did this school year!


This practical fall kickoff message package encourages students to live the way Vashti and Esther did this school year--with conviction and courage to risk their reputation and their life for Jesus and His kingdom.

Vashti refused to do what she knew wasn't right. Her choices made a way for Esther to become queen. Esther, despite being an orphan, an exile, and forced into this lustful marriage arrangement, still had an attitude that was willing to be used by God and risk it all to save God's people.

Main Points:
1. God is sovereign in your story.
2. This year you will need to say no.
3. Stay dependent on God’s wisdom and the Holy Spirit to navigate difficult decisions and circumstances.

This message shares the explicit Gospel talking about how Jesus is the better Esther--willing to leave His palace in Heaven to die in our place so we could live with Him for eternity. It also shares a bunch of great cultural and Biblical context to build Biblical literacy.

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This Resource Includes:

  • Teaching Manuscript (3,000 words)
  • Teaching Outline
  • Small Group Discussion Guide
  • Video Bumper (1:47)
  • Programming Ideas (Worship Set, Giveaway, Response Time, Games)
  • PowerPoint 
  • Graphics


Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina has been doing youth ministry in various sized churches, roles, and denominations for over 15 years. Right now her first job is momma to 3 little kids but she still loves discipling teenagers and creating resources to help other youth workers win! You can find all her DYM resources here: