For God So Loved the World... Stations of the Cross

For God So Loved the World... Stations of the Cross

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The message of Easter is often sugar-coated and meaningless. But Jesus death and resurrection is more than a neat story. Help your students experience it... with Him… in this station of the cross resource.


A video-centric journey through the events of Jesus' last moments with His followers. This lesson encourages students to taste the last supper, feel the sting of the whip, experience the shame of Peter denying his Savior, and share the joy of discovering His miraculous resurrection! Students are asked to consider their understanding of John 3:16 and then experience the full power and depth of God's love as they step through the events of the very first Easter.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete “stations” leader’s guide including video links, teaching tips, discussion questions, and worship recommendations (Word file)
  • Alternative pdf file

Robert Rinella