This is a full-blown 4 week sermon series with small group questions and all the goodies that you’ll need to teach this to your group.Why does the church exist? Simply put, to make disciples. What's a disciple? A disciple is someone who imitates a person's life and actions that they choose to follow; a disciple is a follower. What does a Follower of Jesus look like? Over 4 weeks of study you and your students will discover who a Follower of Christ is and what they do.
• A Follower of Christ will LOVE God with all they are
• A Follower of Christ will GROW in their knowledge and likeness of Him
• A Follower of Christ will SERVE others both inside and outside the church
• A Follower of Christ will SHARE the gospel with others.
Students will learn all this in a Large Group format with Small Group options. The teaching transcripts are about 1500 words each and the small group material is volunteer friendly (“Here’s what to say…”). It’s obvious, this youth worker is in-the-trenches.