"My coffee is too hot!" "My car takes too long to heat up!" "This YouTube video is taking forever to load!" These are the first-world problems that can dominate our lives. The reality is that there are much bigger problems in the world. In this three-week series, students will learn about issues like poverty, modern-day slavery, and sex trafficking. They will discover how God feels about these issues and what He is calling us to do.Week 1 - God's Heart
Week 2 - Reality Check
Week 3 - Lifestyle
Primary Bible Passages Used:
Luke 4:14–21, Psalm 10:14, 17–18, 1 John 3:16–18, Exodus 3:7–12, Exodus 4:10,13, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Luke 10:25–37
This Resource Includes:
• Complete message manuscripts for each week (Word files)
• Small group guide for each week (Word file)
• Series graphic (jpeg file)