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A game where students are challenged to artistically and creatively finish incomplete Christmas themed drawings.


Put your students' artistic and creative skills to the test. An incomplete Christmas themed cartoon/clipart drawing will be presented. Students are then given a set amount of time to use their imagination to finish out the drawing.

WAYS TO PLAY: This game can be played as an all-play where everyone in the room participates, a stage game where you pull up one or several volunteers, or in a small group setting with no screen required at all.

1. Draw on Your Phone: Fire the incomplete drawing to your screen using the included jpeg or PowerPoint files, or put a QR link to a Dropbox file where they can save the picture. Have students take a photo, open it up on an editing app, and finish the drawing. 

2. Draw from an iPad/Tablet: Pull the image up on your tablet. Mirror your tablet to your projection screen. Have a volunteer finish the drawing while the crowd watches.

3. Print and Draw:  Print off and hand out the included pdf files along with a pen, marker, or pencil, and have students hand draw the images.

In the end, the fun is in the wild drawings that everyone comes up with!

This Resource Includes:

  • Ways to play document (Word file)
  • 10 Incomplete drawing slides (jpeg files)
  • Complete PowerPoint file
  • Printable 10 incomplete drawings (pdf file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
"IMPORTANT: There is always a chance students could complete their drawings in an inappropriate way. If you have a group prone to doing so, warn that inappropriate behavior won't be tolerated, or you can have a time of repentance following the game (your choice). A fun idea: Have students sign their drawings, and collect them (save them to your phone, hand in the sheets of paper). Display them the next week as an “Art Show."
Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).