Find Someone Who: Christmas Edition

Find Someone Who: Christmas Edition

GOLD members pay $2.60
Use this Sidekick "Pick Me" resource as a way to create pairs or groups by having participants either partner or group up with those who fit the Christmas themed description on the screen.


This activity is a way to group people up through having participants partner or group-up with those who fit the Christmas-themed description given.

One-on-one version: have people find a partner (or two max) to make sure there is nobody on their own.

Groups version: Have people try to find all who match up under the category given. In this version there are a few rounds that won't work (ex. find someone who is not the same gender). You can either remove these rounds or just have them be "partner up" rounds.

You can make a game out of this by having it be where the last to partner up is out (one to one version) or the smallest/largest group is out (groups version).

You can turn this into a mixer by throwing out a discussion question once people have partnered/grouped up.

This Resource Includes:
• Sidekick "Pick Me" file
• Title slide (jpeg file)
• Background slide (jpeg file)

Pick Me Intro from Download Youth Ministry on Vimeo.

Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).