Find Someone Who – Halloween Edition - Interactive Countdown and Game

Find Someone Who – Halloween Edition - Interactive Countdown and Game

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Are you ready to get your students feeling connected in your program? Do you want your students to meet new people and get to know each other's names? If so, this fun interactive Halloween-themed game and countdown video is perfect for you!


There is nothing scary about getting your students out of their seats and meeting new people with this high-energy and interactive game designed to help them get to know a bunch of people!

This is how this game works: as students come into your service, you will hand them the provided bingo board and a pen. Students will have to meet people and ask them to sign an applicable box that matches something they have experienced or can do. 

Here’s the catch, each person can sign only one box on their paper (unless you have a small group, then you can change the rules). The person who fills the most boxes on their card or fills it out completely WINS!

In addition to the bingo card, you get five-minute and 10-minute countdown videos that give instructions on what to do and lets students know how much time they have left. The countdown videos have fun and upbeat music to get your students excited to get to know some new people! 

This game is guaranteed to get your students interacting, talking with each other, and meeting new people!

This Resource Includes:

  • Bingo card (pdf file)
  • 10-minute countdown video (with and without sound) (mp4 files)
  • 5-minute countdown video (with and without sound) (mp4 files)

Note from Author

About this Product
If you don’t have a big group, feel free to change the rules to best suit your ministry!
Frank DiRenzo

Frank DiRenzo

Frank is the Student Ministry Pastor at Calvary Church in Souderton, PA. He is passionate about helping students develop an authentic faith that lasts beyond their time in student ministry. His passion is to create resources that help students connect and feel a sense of belonging in their student ministry! Connect with Frank at

Joanna DiRenzo

Joanna is a graduate of Cairn University where she studied Student Ministry. She loves brainstorming new ideas to help students engage in community. You may find her wandering a local super store pushing a cart filled with massive quantities of snacks, pool noodles, or slime supplies.