Fearless Faith

Fearless Faith

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Everyone is afraid of something, someone or somewhere. In this series, you'll look at three Old Testament characters to see how they learned to live out a fearless faith.


In a culture where so many students struggle with fear of something, someone or somewhere, it's more important than ever for them to be grounded in a biblical understanding of fear and faith. This series looks at the stories of three Old Testament characters who dealt with significant fears and learned how to live out a fearless faith. It's rooted in Scripture with lots of application for students dealing with fear and anxiety today.

Week 1: Daniel (Even when we're fearful, God is still faithful.)
Week 2: Joshua (Don't focus on the source of your fear but the size of your Savior.)
Week 3: Rahab (Fearless faith is rooted in a healthy fear of God that leads to action.)

Primary Passages Used: Daniel 1:3-8, 15-20, Daniel 6:23, Numbers 13:27-33 , Numbers 14:1-9, Joshua 1:6-9, Joshua 2:1-11, Hebrews 11:31, James 2:25-26, Joshua 6:35.

This Resource Includes:
• Series overview document (Word file)
Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
• Small group guide for each week (Word files)
• PowerPoint presentation file for each week
• Student handout for each week (Word files)
• Graphics:
- Instagram
- Background slide
- Series Poster
- Title slide
- Editable Photoshop files (Photoshop or equivalent required for access)


Jamie Willis


Joy Willis