Fact or Fiction Doughnut Edition - Countdown Video and Game

Fact or Fiction Doughnut Edition - Countdown Video and Game

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Who doesn’t love a doughnut? In this 5-minute countdown video or upfront game, students will try to choose if a statement about doughnuts is a fact, fiction, or an almost fact!


Editor Note: "Frank is really good at these. High energy, fun effects, fun theme, and interactive!"

We can all agree doughnuts are delicious, but how much do we really know about this tasty treat? 

This is how this game works: students will figure out if a statement about donuts is a fact, fiction, or an almost fact. This game comes in two formats either a 5- minute countdown video or individual games slides. The countdown video includes upbeat music, funny questions, and delicious graphics your students will love!

If you prefer there is a version with just the countdown video without any audio also one without the countdown. Your students are guaranteed to learn something about these tasty treats with this fun game!

This Resource Includes:

  • 5-minute countdown video with music (mp4 file)
  • 5-minute countdown video without music (mp4 file)
  • 5-minute countdown video without countdown clock (mp4 file)
  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A) game slides (jpeg files)


Frank DiRenzo

Frank DiRenzo

Frank is the Student Ministry Pastor at Calvary Church in Souderton, PA. He is passionate about helping students develop an authentic faith that lasts beyond their time in student ministry. His passion is to create resources that help students connect and feel a sense of belonging in their student ministry! Connect with Frank at frankdirenzo.com