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The story of Ezra and his ministry with the ancient Israelites is a powerful one. Coming out of the Babylonian captivity, it's almost as if in this "game over" moment of their history, God asks the question, "continue?"

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DOUG'S NOTE: Matthew continues to impress me with his message-writing-skills. Plenty of content, laced with illustrations, love for his students, and application. It's all here!

The story of Ezra and his ministry with the ancient Israelites is a powerful one. Coming out of the Babylonian captivity, it's almost as if in this "game over" moment of their history, God asked the question, "Continue?" Over the course of three weeks, students will see God work to restore and rebuild the Israelite community, with a focus on the ministry of the priest Ezra.

Week One: Continue? As the Israelites made the decision to return to their home and start again, students are challenged to wrestle with whether or not they want to continue with God and what that looks like.

Week Two: Compassion? The book of Ezra ends with a shocking moment where the Israelites in their zeal to follow God forgot the important need for compassion. Students are challenged to consider where they need to work on compassion in their own lives.

Week Three: Commit? Ezra's story resumes in Nehemiah, where Ezra led the Israelites in their worship of God, their confession of sins, and their corporate decision to commit to God in every area of their lives. Students are challenged to commit to listening to God, obeying God, and remembering God.

This three-week series includes manuscripts, presentations, small group guides, student handouts, bumper videos, and graphics.

For a sample of this resource, click here!

This Resource Includes: 

  • Author overview video (mp4 file)
  • Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
  • Presentation file for each week (PowerPoint files)
  • Small group guide for each week (Word files)
  • Student handout (both filled in and with blanks) for each week (Word files)
  • Bumper video for each week (mp4 files)
  • Graphics package with title, content, and social images (jpeg files)


Matthew McNutt

Matthew McNutt

Matthew and Heather have been in full time youth ministry for over twenty years. He is also a speaker, author, and ministry coach. They have four sons ranging from 15 to 22 years old, which means the majority of their time is spent buying food and replacing broken furniture. You can find all of Matthew's DYM resources here: https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/featured-authors/matthew-mcnutt/