Eternal Life Hacks

Eternal Life Hacks

GOLD members pay $10.07
A 6-week sermon series on several critical pieces of wisdom from the book of Proverbs.


Urban Dictionary defines a "life hack " as a technique that makes some aspect of one's life easier or more efficient. The book of Prov-erbs is essentially a collection of the original eternal life hacks. They are God's instructions for how He designed life to work best.

This six-week sermon series takes a close look at wisdom from the book of Proverbs on relationships, money, words, laziness and sex. It includes six messages and accompanying PowerPoint presentations.

Doug’s notes: “This is a steal! Great resource! We need more from Andrew. I sent this to a buddy and said, ‘I’d use this tomorrow—so well done.’ He has included video clip links in some of the messages, the power-point media has some very funny images… he’s creative, clear, and a good writer.”

This Resource Includes:
• 6 sermon manuscripts
• 6 PowerPoints presentations


Andrew Yakel