Emoji Phraseology: Big Game Edition

Emoji Phraseology: Big Game Edition

GOLD members pay $4.87

In this screen or social media game, participants attempt to correctly translate the meaning of the emoji phrases.


Can you imagine texting without emojis again?! They're basically a staple of life now!

But what if you had to translate ONLY emojis? Now that's a different story! In this screen or social media game, participants attempt to correctly translate the meaning of the emoji phrases. This time for the BIG GAME!

It's a perfect crowd breaker screen game, a game to play to avoid watching the halftime show, or something simple to include on social media in your church's Instagram Stories. Includes video and static image game versions.

This Resource Includes:

  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions + title) game videos (mp4 files)
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions + title) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions + title) Story videos (mp4 files)
  • Individual 10 Q&A + instructions + title)  Story images (jpeg files)
  • 5:00 Countdown Video (.mp4 file)
  • Continuous Video, no countdown (.mp4 file)
  • How to play document with Q&A cheat sheet (Word file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Not hosting a Big Game Party? Play this game on your social media during the game!
Nick Clason

Nick Clason

Husband, Father and Youth Pastor. Podcaster & YouTube, come hang out! https://www.youtube.com/@clasonnick