Emoji Charades Volume 2

Emoji Charades Volume 2

GOLD members pay $4.39
Contestants face off to guess the Emoji charade the crowd is trying to act out.


There is great fun for everyone in this sequel to the original best-selling screen game! One DYM editor wrote, “We tested this out with our youth group and it may go down as one of the best games we’ve ever done!” We all use emojis… but can you act them out? Have you ever wanted to see your whole group try to act out the piece of pizza or unicorn emoji? Now you can! The beauty of this game is seeing students trying to get the contestants to guess the right emoji.

Gameplay is simple: Get a few contestants on stage, where they can’t see the screen, and show the slide and sit back and watch the crowd act out the emoji. The first person to correctly show that emoji on their device wins that round!

What’s included:

    • Complete PowerPoint version of the game
    • Complete individual game slides (JPEG files): Title slide, 10 choice slides
    • Here’s why it’s more than a $3 game—it comes with a complete set of slides as videos (.mp4 files), with animation and background music, to liven up the game! Over the top!

For more Games and Messages from Ken Leslie check out his resources here


Ken Leslie