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Test your students' Easter season knowledge with this fun-fact trivia screen game!


Have you ever wondered just how much Easter candy is consumed each year by Americans alone? Or what other Easter mascots countries have besides the Easter bunny? 

Get your students EGGXCITED to learn Easter season facts they can use to impress their friends with this awesome fun-fact trivia screen game! 

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file (jpeg file)
  • Individual (10 rounds + tiebreaker) game slides (jpeg files)
  • 2 blank slides for customization (jpeg file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Gift Easter candy to the winners: Peeps, jelly beans, chocolate bunnies/eggs, etc.
Alexis Brianna

Alexis Brianna

Alexis is a wildlife biology major by day and a DYM author by night, who loves to procrastinate her real work by making DYM games. She’s a fan of all things Disney, Marvel, and Star Wars—especially The Clone Wars. Currently playing Halo Infinite.