Don't Waste This Crisis

Don't Waste This Crisis

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A one-off message that sets students up to follow Jesus more closely and live wiser as life begins to open back up.


Editor's note: Timely, well-done, practical.

Whether you are leading students online with Zoom or outside from the bed of a pickup truck, "Don't Waste This Crisis" is a practical one-off message that will set your students up to learn from this crisis.

This message will give students three convictions to believe and hold on to as things slowly begin opening back up.

Whether your context is opening up in a week or in a year, these three convictions are game-changers!

Includes interactive questions, real-life illustrations, and clear action steps. This message was designed for online or "open-air" teaching outside. It could also be easily adapted for regular usage.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete message manuscript (Word file)
• Breakout discussion guide (Word file)
• Title graphic (jpeg file)


McLeod Best