Don't Be Salty

Don't Be Salty

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Are you teaching about being the “salt of the earth” but need a fun game about salt? Try “Don’t Be Salty”! An easy and fun game that will get everyone laughing.


"Salt" is referenced in the Bible about 47 times. We often use illustrations of ""Salt"" from Matthew or Mark ... but what is a fun way to connect with students about a household kitchen ingredient? ""Don't Be Salty"" is a game students will not forget as they think about being the ""Salt of the Earth"". This is a game that will make the crowd record on their phones, encourage them to see their friends and leaders play, and it can be played by anyone in the room. 

Contestants will eat saltine crackers as they attempt to do whatever each round instructs them to do.  

This resource comes with four options for game play. 
- Video and still image versions that show rounds
- Video and still image versions that do not show rounds (allowing you to cut or rearrange rounds)

This resource includes:

  • Full video clip version of the game (title, instruction, and individual rounds) including rounds (mp4 files)
  • Full video clip version of the game (title, instruction, and individual rounds) not including rounds (mp4 file)
  • Full still image version of the game (title, instruction, and individual rounds) including rounds (jpg files)
  • Full image version of the game (title, instruction, and individual rounds) not including rounds (jpg file)
  • Two Complete PowerPoint Game file of the game including rounds and not 
  • Word Doc explaining rules - supply list included!


Note from Author

About this Product
We tried this game recently with our students and it was the HIT of the weekend! Contestants are heroes for simply eating crackers and the crowd cheers as crackers FLEW from the mouths of contestants. Have fun with it, be ready to laugh, + be prepared for cleanup afterwards.
Amanda Freeman

Amanda Freeman

Amanda (Mandy) has worked & served in Youth Ministry for the last 8 years in the OC, where she loves teaching students how to use creativity to serve the church. She now leads a 7th grade small group & loves creating DYM content!