Don't Be Fooled: A Guide to Walking Wisely

Don't Be Fooled: A Guide to Walking Wisely

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In this one-off message, unpack the practical advice on living wisely from the book of Proverbs in a thoughtful and thought-provoking way.


Doug's note: I enjoyed this message and could see myself teaching it... there's enough there to make a two-week mini-series.

This message unpacks the practical advice from the book of Proverbs in a thoughtful and thought-provoking way.

Your students will learn about the characteristics of wise people, but they’ll also discover how foolishness shows up in key areas of their lives. Ultimately, they’re asked to choose a path for themselves: the way of wisdom or the way of foolishness.

This one-off message highlights the attitudes and actions of wise people throughout the book of Proverbs. A clear picture is drawn between a wise person and a foolish person, and students are challenged not to be fooled.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete message manuscript (Word file)
• Small group guide (Word file)
• PowerPoint presentation file


Trevor Hamaker