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"Do Over" is a series about how Jesus undid the barriers of sin, fulfilled the ultimate sacrifice, offered salvation beyond our own efforts, and brought unity through the Holy Spirit, giving humanity a fresh start. This series is a part of the Lift Curriculum for Children's and Preschool ministries.


In partnership with Lift Curriculum, DYM now provides Lift Curriculum for Children's & Preschool Ministries (PreK-5th Grade)

Lift is a Christ-Centered Children’s Ministry curriculum. This means that Jesus is central to every lesson. Whether we begin with an Old Testament story, a New Testament passage, or a lesson based on a topic, all paths lead to Jesus. Each story is told, and each lesson delivered, with the purpose of promoting and glorifying Christ in the minds and hearts of students.

John 12:32 - And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.

Lift The Name Of Jesus

Lift Curriculum exists to lift Jesus up before children with every lesson, in the belief that if we do so, he will draw all people to himself. This means that the self-sacrificial love, goodness, grace, and beauty of Christ are put on display, as we explore how He is the main character and event of the Bible.

Jesus Every Week

We want to help you lift up the name of Jesus every week. If a child only comes to church once, we want to make sure they hear about Jesus.

Every series includes everything you need to program your kids' ministry program. This includes curriculum, games, worship, object lesson videos and Bible story videos. But we don't leave you to fend for yourself. We also equip you with a scope & sequence to follow and easy to navigate lesson folders so you know exactly what lesson to teach and what videos to use every single week.

To: Whoever

Series 6 of 12 in Lift Curriculum Year 1

Each month will now include a preschool lesson that matches the theme of the Elementary lesson and can be used throughout the month.


Preschool Main Idea:  Jesus Came for Outcasts

Preschool Bible Story: Luke 2, The Shepherds

Worship Songs: Joy To The World, Silent Night

Because repetition is so important for this age group, preschoolers will be allowed to focus on the same Bible story for the entire month. However, each week will offer a new way to present that Bible story to your group using creative storytelling techniques, crafts, games, and more! You'll also get a take home sheet for parents and a special lesson for 1 & 2 year olds.


Week 1: Jesus undid sin’s power to separate us from God

Synopsis: Because Adam & Eve sinned, a flaming sword sealed them off from the garden. It was a barrier, placed between God and people. During Jesus’ life on earth, the same separation was symbolized by a curtain in the temple, separating God from people. But when Jesus died, that barrier was destroyed.
Scripture: Genesis 3, The Fall
Worship Songs: Whom Shall I Fear, Deep And Wide, See a Victory
Game Video: Hot Cocoa No No
Bible Story Video: Adam and Eve

Week 2: Cain and Abel offered the first sacrifices. Jesus offered the last.

Synopsis: Old Testament animal sacrifice is a confusing topic that is far too prolific in the Bible to be avoided. God gave specific instructions about sacrifice to Moses, but through the prophets, He condemned and prohibited the practice. But by Jesus’ sacrifice, this violent and confusing ritual comes to an end. Jesus is the sacrifice to end all sacrifices.
Scripture: Genesis 4, Cain and Abel
Worship Songs: Deep And Wide, See a Victory, Graves into Gardens
Game Video: Bigger Bible Books 1
Bible Story Video: Cain and Abel

Week 3: Noah was saved by the things that he did. But we are saved by what Jesus did.

Synopsis: God’s grace toward Noah is attributed to Noah’s righteousness, faithfulness, and obedience. But nobody is righteous, faithful or obedient enough to deserve the ultimate salvation that Jesus offers. Our salvation is founded in Christ’s actions, not our own.
Scripture: Genesis 6-9, Noah
Worship Songs: See a Victory, Graves into Gardens, No Longer Slaves
Game Video: Snail Race: Ted Wins
Bible Story Video: Noah

Week 4: The Holy Spirit brings unity to a divided world.

Synopsis: At Babel, people suddenly spoke different languages, so that nobody could understand each other. This led to countless centuries of division, tribalism, and warfare. But at Pentecost, the disciples suddenly spoke in different languages, so that everybody could understand. Pentecost is the redemption and reclamation of the event that first divided humanity.
Scripture: Genesis 11, Tower of Babel
Worship Songs: Graves into Gardens, No Longer Slaves, See A Victory
Game Video: Breakout: Memory
Bible Story Video: Tower Of Babel

To preview a sample of this lesson, click here. 

This resource includes:

  • 4 weeks of kids curriculum for Elementary and Preschool
  • 4 games (.mp4)
  • 4 Lesson Bible story videos (.mp4)
  • Elementary school lessons include:
    • 4 Lessons (.pdf)
    • 4 weeks of coloring pages for each lesson
    • Memory verse graphics for each week
    • Parent resouces
    • Volunteer resources
  • Preschool lessons include:
    • Craft lessons
    • 4 weeks of Bible lessons
  • Plug and play slides (.ppt)
  • Series graphics (.jpg)
Lift Curriculum

Lift Curriculum