Dish It or Ditch It

Dish It or Ditch It

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A game about food and picky eaters. In this screen game, bring a person on stage and see if the crowd can guess if they would eat the food item (Dish It) or throw the food away (Ditch it).


Would your students eat any of these foods? Let's find out! You can play this as an icebreaker or as a stage game. This is a great game to see if your players are picky eaters or adventurous. 

•Stage-game version: Have a student or leader on stage and let the crowd guess if that person would Dish it (eat it) or Ditch it (throw it away). Whoever guesses correctly stays in the game. Get it wrong, and they have to sit down. 
•Icebreaker: Use this game to see which of your students are picky eaters, by going to either the Dish It or Ditch It side of the room.

This Resource Includes:

  • Title video (mp4 file)
  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 rounds + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)



Sam Pettersen