Debate Night - School Edition

Debate Night - School Edition

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There are more important things to vote for than the latest election - have your students campaign for what’s great and what’s weird about school!


This game has two different sets of instructions to personalize the experience for your group.

• The first way to play is to invite students to pick a side, and then have a representative come on stage to explain why their side is superior! The crowd can then vote who they thought presented the stronger argument. 

• The second way to play is to have students raise their left or right hands for the side they support, and then take some time to share  their reasoning with their neighbors

Both options provide a great way to engage your entire group from the stage to the seats! Great all year, or during an election season.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + tiebreaker + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Another way to level up the game is to have students raise their hands for the side they support, and then find another student that supports the opposing side. They then get 30 seconds to try and convince the other to join their side, and then the leader running the game can make a final tally to see who has the most supporters.
Joshua Myles

Joshua Myles

Hi! I'm Joshua. I grew up blessed by a great youth ministry and I'm excited I've gotten to contribute something to it! As I've grown from being a student leader, to volunteer, to intern, to resident, I've enjoyed taking each step with God. I'm pursuing my Master's of Divinity at Crown College while serving on the multi-site Student Ministry team at Riverside Church in Big Lake, Minnesota... and I also like smoothies!