Dead Cat

Dead Cat

Price reduced from $20.50 to $10.25
GOLD members pay $13.32

FINALLY AVAILABLE FOR NON-MEMBERS! A modern-day video-based Tamagotchi game: the fate of this cat is entirely in the hands of you and your students.


Imagine that your youth group was given a cat to take care imagine that to keep this cat alive, your group would have to make some pretty ridiculous decisions when faced with even more ridiculous circumstances. Dead Cat is a video-based game in which your students get to choose their own adventure based on the choices that they make. Think of this game as a Tamagotchi for the modern age mixed with a “choose your own adventure” style game. The fate of this cat is entirely up to you and your students.

The game has been designed in a way that it could be played slowly, over 2 months or completed it in one sitting… the choice is yours.

Each round (10 rounds total), your group will be faced with a multiple-choice decision that directly effects the fate of your newfound pet cat. Make the right decision and your group will progress through the game...make the wrong decision and you’ve got a “Dead Cat.” You are allowed to use 1 Extra Life Card along the way...but only 1.*You will find the “extra life card” (video) at the bottom of your slides and ProPresenter files.

Dead Cat is a unique game because it is entirely run and explained by an on-screen narrator. (While we feel that the narrator pretty clearly explains the rules of the game, it would be helpful to have someone that you trust running your ProPresenter.) Every round, there are four possible answers that your students can choose from and each of these options is represented by a different color (Blue, Orange, Pink, Green). After each question, someone will need to ask the crowd which choice they intend to pick in order to progress through the game.

1)  If at any point, your students LOSE a round, the game must be stopped until the next youth group get-together. We believe that Dead Cat is the perfect “retreat style” game. One of our favorite ways to play this game is to have this game span over a period of time (a whole weekend, a few weeks, even a whole month).

2)  Another great way to play Dead Cat is called “Nine Lives.” This gameplay option lends itself to be played in one sitting (probably will take around 20-30 minutes). In this version, your students have Nine Lives to get to the end of the game. If they fail...whelp, then it’s game over for them.

This Resource Includes:
• 40+ Narrated videos (.m4v files)
• Instruction sheet complete with game play options (PDF)
• A ‘How To Play the Game’ Training Video from the authors .m4v)
• Title Slide (.jpg)

Having trouble adding this to ProPresenter? Watch this quick tutorial!



Brock Odell


John Lindsey

John is the Creative Director of Student Ministry at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY.