Cuteness Overload! 5-Minute Puppy Countdown

Cuteness Overload! 5-Minute Puppy Countdown

GOLD members pay $4.22

Nothing says "CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!" like five full minutes of the cutest puppies you've ever seen!


Look. We've heard it a million times: ""That service was life-changing, but it just wasn't... CUTE ENOUGH!""

After downloading this 5-minute countdown video that features 41 clips of the most adorable puppies on the planet, you'll never hear that complaint again! If anything, your students may actually experience... CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!

This 5-minute countdown video even includes its own super-cute soundtrack, so it's a perfect way to start your next service!

This Resource Includes:

  • 5-minute countdown video (mp4 file)



Note from Author

About this Product
Just drop the video file into your favorite presentation software, and you're good to go!
Josh Boldman

Josh Boldman

Josh is a Student Pastor in Illinois. He has a DYM Gold Membership that he uses all the time... he also has a gym membership that he has yet to actually use...