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Do you need a filler week for small group, Sunday school, or a more intimate Bible study setting? This one-off interactive lesson on Gideon's courage could be perfect for you!


This one-off lesson on Courage focuses on the different types of courage that Gideon needed as his experience unfolded in the book of Judges. It challenges the students to put down their masks and tackle the challenging parts of their world.

Key to this lesson is interaction with the audience by asking questions and allowing for responses. This style would be ideal for a small group, an interactive Bible study setting (like Sunday School), or a smaller youth group setting.

This lesson could be dropped into a series on Judges, heroes of the Old Testament, or on core character values.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete teaching guide (Word file)
• Small group guide (Word file)
• Title and Content slides (jpeg files)


Allison Williams