Countdown Timer Video Pack

Countdown Timer Video Pack

GOLD members pay $7.47
Use these eight different countdowns to get your students ready for any event you have coming up, in person, or online.


Doug's note: love the variety and the options. Thanks for the variety! 

This countdown timer pack will help you set the stage for any of your youth group meetings. These are ready to go and can be used in various ministry settings, either online or in-person. These are also easily customizable so you can add your own information and graphics to them and make you look like a hero.  Each countdown has different music to it to help create an atmosphere before you start your meeting. 

• Neon City 2-minute countdown
• Neon 2-minute countdown
• Neon Lines 30-second countdown
• Retro 2-minute countdown
• Clapping Hands 2-minute countdown
• Game 1-minute countdown
• Game 30-second countdown with music
• Game 30-second countdown without music

This Resource Includes: 

  • 8 countdown videos (mp4 files)

Note from Author

About this Product
We have used these countdowns for our online ministry over the past few months. They are great to use for getting your meeting started and perfect for games like Minute To Win It and other places in your ministry that you may need a filler with music.

Matthew Wilkinson

Matt loves his family, playing golf, Jesus, eating wings, and student ministry but not necessarily in that order.