Confirmation Continued Year 4: Change the World

Confirmation Continued Year 4: Change the World

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Part 4 of the fully loaded sermon series and small group curriculum that will challenge your students to change the world.


Keep their Confirmation journey going AFTER Confirmation is "over" with the final chapter of Confirmation Continued curriculum: Year 4 - Change the World. Even if your church doesn't have a confirmation ministry, this resource is easily adaptable to any youth group to use as a spiritual growth small group curriculum!

In Lesson 1, your students will study how Jesus changed the world and be challenged about how they can emulate His example.

In Lesson 2, your students will discuss what it means to remain rooted in Christ and how vital that is to being used by God to change the world.

In Lesson 3, your students will learn about spiritual gifts and why we have them, and take a personalized spiritual gifts assessment.

In Lesson 4, your students will learn about calling and be challenged to ponder what their own individual calling might be. Mentors and adults will be set up to win with students with a closing prayer and worship service.

This Resource Includes:
• 4 ready to use and customizable discussion starters
• 4 ready to use and customizable small group leader guides
• HD graphics for social media
• Bible memory graphics as handouts or to post on social media
• Personalized spiritual gifts assessment
• Closing prayer and worship service


Clark Chilton