Confirmation Continued: Year Two

Confirmation Continued: Year Two

GOLD members pay $6.82
Part 2 of the fully-loaded sermon series and small-group curriculum on spiritual growth.


Year Two of Confirmation Continued takes a sacramental approach to teaching the grace of God. How can your students discover the grace of God through the Eucharist, baptism and personal spiritual renewal? How can they pass that same grace on to others? Use engaging (and funny) drama scripts, interactive lesson discussion starters and special baptism worship services to help your students grow in grace.

An all-inclusive download the features 4 months of leader guides, small group discussion guides, talking points, worship planning helps, and audio-visual aids. SPECIAL FOR YEAR TWO - Remember Your Baptism service and drama scripts.

Lesson One: Love As You Have Been Loved (1 John 4:19 - God first loved us)
Lesson Two: Grace in Communion (John 6:33 - bread of heaven gives life to the world)
Lesson Three: Grace in Baptism (Acts 2:38 - repent and be baptized)
Lesson Four: Grace in Salvation (Acts 4:12 - salvation found in no one else)


Clark Chilton