Collapse the Cups Table Time Event: A Total Family Resource

Collapse the Cups Table Time Event: A Total Family Resource

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Collapse the Cups Table Time Event, a total family resource for families of 11- to-18-year-olds is fun, fast, and parents will love you.


Table Time Events are designed to promote shared mealtimes with your congregation’s families using a table event format that takes five minutes or fewer.

The Collapse the Cups Table Time Event is a total family resource which means more than one generation can participate together. It’s not age-graded. This five-minute event works best with parents, grandparents and their 11- to 18-year-old children and grandchildren. It is during these years that the number of shared family mealtimes declines.

There are two components to the Table Time Event: (1) Practice a fun game or activity that families can do at home during a meal, and (2) Hand out copies of a Place Mat and Conversation Coasters that can be done at home or while out for a meal.

The event takes place at a table or tables after a worship service, during the mealtime of your mid-week program, or other already-existing congregational or cross+generational event with parents, grandparents, teens and pre-teens.

• A great cross+generational resource for parents, grandparents, and their 11- to 18-year-old children.
• After Saturday night & Sunday worship services
• Mid-week program
• Sunday breakfast
• Use at any congregational or cross+generational event

This Resource Includes:
• Read This First (pdf), overview for leaders
• Collapse the Cups (pdf), activity page for table activity and take-home
• #1 Place Mat (pdf), engages families in fun-n-faith activities during mealtimes at home or out, to be handed out at table
• #1 Conversation Coasters (pdf) engages families in fun-n-faith conversation during mealtimes at home or out, to be handed out at table
• Editable Flier (Word), promotes your event
• Editable PowerPoint Promo Slide (PowerPoint), for promotion
• Editable Table Leader’s Guide (Word) to train those leaders who staff your table or tables after worship or during the mealtime of your mid-week pro-gram or other church event
• Table Sign (pdf), identifies your event table or tables

Author Profile Picture

David Lynn