CINE: Classic Comedies

CINE: Classic Comedies

GOLD members pay $6.82
Create discussion around four classic comedies movies for youth ministry


If you’ve been in youth ministry for awhile, there are some beloved classic go-to movies that are probably on your bookshelf for those youth group movie nights. Whether it’s “mawwaage is what bwings us togevah today!” or “GOSH!“, these are the films that we continue to quote, even when they’re older than our students. If we look closely, these classic youth ministry comedies might have a greater spiritual depth than we imagine. Using this CINE discussion guide, your students can say along with Nacho, “They think I do not know a buttload of crap about the Gospel, but I do!”

Included in Classic Comedies:

    1. Napoleon Dynamite
    2. Nacho Libre
    3. Princess Bride
    4. Three Amigos!

About Cine

Includes 4 film discussion guides, instructions, and two slide templates for PowerPoint, Keynote, MediaShout, ProPresenter or another display system.

Cine is a series of short, downloadable, curriculum resources. Whether you are looking for a last minute lesson plan or ideas to add into your teaching, Cine is designed for youth workers leading the revolution.

DYM Team

DYM Team

Llama-tested, youth ministry approved! Resources by the DYM Team are trench-tested, high-quality, and stand up to the DYM L.L.A.M.A. standards: Looks great, Laughs guaranteed, Actually used in real youth groups, Made with love, And...we ran out of things for the acronym but you get the point.