Chance the Rapper or Amish Proverb?

Chance the Rapper or Amish Proverb?

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Did you ever think that Chance the Rapper and an Amish person could have anything in common? See if you can figure out who said what in this screen game of (supposed) opposites!


This resource was used as an introduction to how we, as Christians, should engage with the culture we live in. Chance the Rapper and the Amish community are about as far apart on the spectrum as you can get in how they engage with contemporary culture. Do you think you could tell them apart by their words? This game could be a great introduction on how we live our lives can change peoples’ perceptions of us regardless of the good things we say. It is pretty amusing and harder than you think to tell them apart! This game could also be a great introduction to the question that everyone seems to be asking, "Does Chance the Rapper actually follow Jesus?"

This Resource Includes:
• Complete PowerPoint game file
• Individual (10 Q&A + blanks for customization) game slides (jpeg files)
• Title slide (jpeg file)
• Instruction sheet with resource links for adding/creating additional slides (pdf file)


Kevin Lance

Christ Follower. Husband. Father of 2 boys & 2 girls! Youth Pastor. I love Jesus, my family, & my job, & I'm in it for the long haul.