Chair Swap

GOLD members pay $5.20
Want a game that will get the whole room involved? Then Chair Swap is the game for you! In this new video-driven game, students will attempt or organize the row of seats they are sitting in according to the question on the screen. The best part is it comes in 2 versions, including individual game slides and 2 separate 5-minute countdown videos! It’s the perfect game to help your students get to know one another.


Are you looking for a game that gets the whole room involved and helps students get to know each other? If so, Chair Swap is the game for you!

Here is a quick rundown of how this game works: your students work together in teams based on the rows, chairs, or sections they sit in. Students will see a question pop up on the screen, and they will have 45 seconds to organize themselves in the correct order. When they get in the correct order, their row will sit down to let you know they were first.

This fast-paced game with energetic music is a great way to bring excitement and engagement into your ministry. One of the best parts about a game like this is students will get to know other students and hopefully make new friends!

The 2 formats provided in the resource allow you to use this game in various ways, such as using the individual game slides or as 2 separate 5-minute countdown videos. These videos are plug-n-play and ready to drop into whatever platform or program you use.

This Resource Includes:

  • Title and Instructions videos
  • 10 individual question videos
  • Ready to use PPT file
  • Includes the following bonuses
    • 5:08min Video clip – Chair Swap Game #1 (With Countdown Timer - 5 Questions) (mp4 file)
    • 5:08min Video clip – Chair Swap Game #1 (Without Countdown Timer - 5 Questions) (mp4 file)
    • 5:08min Video clip – Chair Swap Game #2 (With Countdown Timer - 5 Questions) (mp4 file)
    • 5:08min Video clip – Chair Swap Game #2 (Without Countdown Timer - 5 Questions) (mp4 file)

Frank DiRenzo

Frank DiRenzo

Frank is the Student Ministry Pastor at Calvary Church in Souderton, PA. He is passionate about helping students develop an authentic faith that lasts beyond their time in student ministry. His passion is to create resources that help students connect and feel a sense of belonging in their student ministry! Connect with Frank at

Joanna DiRenzo

Joanna is a graduate of Cairn University where she studied Student Ministry. She loves brainstorming new ideas to help students engage in community. You may find her wandering a local super store pushing a cart filled with massive quantities of snacks, pool noodles, or slime supplies.