Bob Ross or Not Game

Bob Ross or Not Game

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How well do your students know Bob Ross? This screen game will challenge their knowledge of Bob Ross quotes.


How well do your students know Bob Ross? This screen game contains 10 questions to challenge their knowledge of Bob Ross quotes. There may or may not be "happy little trees" included!

Gameplay options:
Head-to-Head: This game can be played head-to-head where two students go against one another until one wins the game


Individual: It can also be played individually giving each person a score sheet and having everyone write down their answers. Then, students switch their answer sheets with a partner to mark which ones are right and which one are wrong.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete PowerPoint game file
• Individual (10 Q&A + tiebreaker) game slides (jpeg files)
• Blank slides for customization (jpeg files)
• Answer sheet (Word and pdf files)

This game is included in the Bob Ross Christmas Party Package!


Mark Confer